14 February News , Solutions

Digi-Tags simplify safety audits and maintenance follow-up at Janssen Pharmaceutica

There are few sectors where as many audits take place as in the pharmaceutical sector. This is also the case at Janssen with both internal and external audits. In fact, auditors are almost constantly present at the various sites. An audit often involves requesting inspection reports of assets and examining asset management processes. This is why Janssen decided to implement Vinçotte Digi-Tags.

Danny Cominotto, Spare part Coordinator at Janssen: “We use Digi-Tags as a tool to follow up on the status of inspections and comments."

The first step was to tag all lifting and hoisting equipment, which already amounts to thousands of items.

Vinçotte's Digi-Tags system has the direct advantage that by tagging an inspected asset with a Digi-Tag, you have a direct link to the inspection report. The Digi-Tag can simply be scanned on the spot with any smartphone. In the back-end, users also have access to interactive dashboards containing all assets and historical data where, through filtering, you bring up evolutions and reports.

The Power of Digi-Tags

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The Vinçotte digital reporting tool is easy to set up and after a short start-up training, the Janssen team could immediately start with the data analyses in the dashboard. The tagging of the entire portfolio was entrusted to the Vinçotte inspectors who, during their inspection round, both inspect and uniquely tag the appliances with a digital fingerprint, the Digi-Tag.

Danny Cominotto, Spare Parts Coordinator at Janssen continues: "Setting up the system went smoothly. During audits, we can now show on the spot whether the inspection of an asset is in order and from the Digi-Tags system we obtain dashboards that show what needs to be done and how we are evolving in the follow-up of our assets. That gives confidence during an audit."

For asset management Janssen uses SAP ERP because all processes must be "GMP approved" (international quality standard).

Tests are now underway to automatically upload the Digi-Tags info in the MyVinçotte environment to SAP via an interface because a direct link is not allowed.

At Janssen's request, Vinçotte is also preparing the expansion to other asset groups such as electricity and pressure.

About Janssen Pharmaceutica #

The Janssen Campus in Belgium is an important innovation hub that is part of the pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson. It is a unique blend of expertise, skills and partnerships in research and development (R&D), manufacturing and the launch of new medicines.

Digi-Tags at Milcobel

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Digi-Tags at Gheysens Smart Lifting

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