14 February News

Vinçotte assists Innoptus Solar Team with Digi-Tags solution

Last week, our Digi-Tags experts got together with the Innoptus Solar Car team to see how we can make a difference for them.

After a short presentation of the most common functionalities of our Digi-Tags asset safety management tool, we asked the team what their current wants and needs are, when it comes to managing their significant inventory of tools.

The team talked about their frustrations, often losing time locating whether items are in transit, storage or in the workshops, and how many consumables (glue, screws, tires, batteries…) are left and what condition they are in, which often take up a lot of valuable time to check.

With all must-haves and nice-to-haves listed, the Digi-Tags dev team will now start development on the most feasible requests. In the meantime, the Innoptus time will have to decide which items to tag. By the end of March, the Solar Car is expected to be back from Australia and then tagging of all assets can begin as the container is unloaded.

Busy weeks ahead for Vinçotte’s Digi-Tags team and Innoptus.