Thank you for choosing Vinçotte! Your opinion on our services provided is very important to us. We would love to receive your feedback so that we can become even better.

We only use this feedback to make general improvements. Every comment will be treated with due consideration and discretion.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Homologation

  • Highly dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Reasonable
  • Satisfied
  • Very satisfied

If you were to rate our various services separately: how were your expectations met?  

1 star = very poor, 5 stars = perfect. If you have no contact with a particular service, you can skip the question.

What score would you give us in the following areas?

Were our colleagues very helpful please give 5
Did our colleagues know perfectly what it was about, give 5
Were you helped very quickly, please give 5
Did you have to put no effort forth to handle your request please give 5

We would also like to have your opinion on our future cooperation.

  • Not
  • Rather not
  • Maybe
  • Probably
  • For sure
  • No
  • Rather not
  • Maybe
  • Probably
  • For sure

Your company coordinates

Your coordinates

I agree with the privacy policy *

Thank you so much for participating in our great customer satisfaction survey. Your feedback will help us get better for you and all our other customers.