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Environment consultancy

Are you no longer able to keep up-to-date with the changes in the laws relating to environment and safety? Vinçotte as a neutral and independent partner can help you in this regard. Our environmental specialists follow the development of safety and environmental regulations closely, on your behalf.

We at Vinçotte offer you a very wide range of activities:

  • assistance in drawing up permit applications, evaluation documents and administrative documents
  • monitoring and keeping up-to-date with European, Belgian and Regional Regulations
  • legal advice and following-up of administrative dossiers
  • inspection of the waste recycling centre, waste audit, implementation of prevention plans
  • Environmental Impact reports (MER) and Safety Reports (VR) such as SWA-VR (collaboration agreement safety report) and OVRs (environmental safety reports)
  • Safety studies relating to permit applications from among others, mills, feed business operators, and wind farms
  • participation in discussion meetings and communication with interest and lobby groups
  • technical audits including, among other things, environmental balances and safety assessments
  • CO² monitoring protocols
  • eco-audits, audits for verification of conformity with legislation, such as compliance audit, due diligence, etc..
  • evaluation of Best Available Techniques (BAT)
  • permit applications for genetically modified organisms, bio-safety and pathogenic organisms
  • evaluation of a company’s activities in relation to air, water, soil, noise and waste materials with regard to the impact at present, and the risks for the future
  • conformity evaluation (compliance audit) of activities with issued permits and regulations
  • performance of comparative legal studies (legislation and jurisprudence) for specific environmental aspects such as for liability in case of soil contamination, liabilities for producers of waste, etc.
  • technical advice for storing hazardous products and the setting up of tank parks
  • specific environmental service provision and customised project management.

There is great flexibility in our method of working as well. Our experts can not only handle projects for your company from A to Z, but they can also act as your partner in undertaking the responsibility of replying to questions to the government, take up administrative tasks vis-à-vis the government, and be able to maintain contact with the competent administrations while your own employees continue to dictate the direction and the course, or – only act as a strategic advisor.

By contacting Vinçotte, which works full-time in the environment field, you will obtain a broader view of all the matters relating to this subject, and it will therefore be easier for you to take into account possible changes within this domain.

For all these services, the regional environment legislation (Vlarem I and II), the soil decontamination decree and implementation policies, the waste products decree and implementation policies and all other applicable environment regulations are duly complied with.

We would be happy to provide you with tailor-made advice for your industrial projects and your SMEs, and customised service to governments as well. Vinçotte has the appropriate solution for your situation as well. Contact us f or tailor- made advice.

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