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Environmental co-ordination

The environmental coordinator will be responsible for executing decree-stipulated tasks and will provide the employer (system operator) with relevant written and verbal advice in this regard). His tasks include, among other things, verification of compliance with the environmental laws and advising the company management about new investments and production methods that could influence the environment. He maintains the documents pertaining to compliance with environmental laws including the required records (among other things, pertaining to the emission and immission measurements carried out). The environmental coordinator will draw up an annual report of his activities and recommendations, for the benefit of the company management.

The environmental coordinator can also undertake administrative tasks such as preparing files for permit applications or notification dossiers, drafting all the required environmental annual reports, maintaining the waste register, the VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) accounting records, the preparation of declaration files concerning the discharge of waste waters, etc.

In most cases, our expert and appointed environmental coordinators will carry out the tasks expected of them on-site. Administrative tasks may be executed in our offices in Vilvoorde or Antwerp.

In concrete terms, the core activity of Vinçotte is to offer customers absolute peace of mind with regard to quality, safety and the environment. Our environmental coordinators have wide-ranging experience as experts in various sectors.

The obligation to appoint an environmental coordinator is imposed under the Decree of 5th April 1995 - supplemented by the Decree of 19th April 1995 concerning general provisions relating to environmental policy (DABM) and the related implementing decrees (VLAREM II – Section 4.1.9.: Internal company environmental care).

The tasks of the environmental coordinator have been described in Clause 3.2.2. of the Decree relating to internal company environmental care and in Clause of the VLAREM II.

Specific Class 1-companies in Flanders are legally bound to appoint an environmental coordinator. Environmental coordinator of the type A or type B will be required as provided under Annex 1 of the Vlarem I containing the classification list of nuisance-causing establishments, and taking into account the nature of the activities.

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