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Validation of CO2 neutrality

Do you wish to obtain recognition for your genuine efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and to communicate them to the outside world? Together with CO2logic, Vinçotte offers you the solution.

More about the CO2 Neutral label:

CO2 neutrality can be achieved by calculating and reducing the CO2 emissions of a company or a product, and subsequently compensating the remaining CO2 emissions by supporting certified climate projects. Most companies reduce their CO2 emissions to save energy costs, but efforts must extend beyond this in order to effectively tackle climate change. The remaining CO2 emission must also be compensated. This stimulates companies to take up their responsibility for the remaining impact of their business operations on the climate, and not to pass them on to society and to future generations.

Vinçotte can help you make your company CO2 neutral together with CO2logic. CO2logic calculates your existing CO2 emissions, identifies the options to reduce these emissions, and selects a sustainable project to compensate your remaining emissions. Vinçotte validates this process, after which you will obtain the CO2 Neutral label.

Types and levels of the CO2 Neutral label #

The CO₂ Neutral label offers different levels and types of certifications to support any subject at every step of its climate journey. Label types can be: entity, product or service.

The CO₂ Neutral label has three different levels for entities/organizations and products. These
range from bronze to gold. These levels indicate the level of ambition and can encourage companies to continue on their journey. It helps customers and stakeholders understand where a company stands in the climate journey.

Read our whitepaper for more info on the CO2 Neutral label

<< Download the whitepaper

CO₂ Neutral Labels for products are assigned their level based on an assessment matrix. In this matrix, various questions are asked that are linked to different aspects of the product such as: end-of-life, use phase, data quality, etc. After all questions have been answered in the matrix, a weighted score is calculated that will indicate whether the level of the CO₂ Neutral Label for the product is bronze, silver or gold.

Services/activities are not assigned a level. The full scope of the service or activity is automatically mapped out here. This means that all material and relevant emission sources are included.

Benefits of the CO₂ Neutral label

Do you want to contribute to an important social challenge such as climate change and do you want to make that commitment clear and recognizable? Working as a subject on decisive and transparent climate action with the CO₂ Neutral label has many advantages:

Ecological responsibility: The CO₂ Neutral label is a recognition of the subjects 's climate efforts, it indicates the subject takes responsibility for its impact. The CO₂ Neutral label clearly indicates which aspect of the subject is currently carbon neutral.

Credibility: The CO₂ Neutral label is validated by Vinçotte, an independent third party. The independent validation represents a quality guarantee. The double verification (first by CO2logic and then by Vinçotte) ensures the subject has followed the conditions for label obtention and that its climate strategies and efforts are being communicated accurately and transparently to limit risks of greenwashing.

Stronger reputation: Respect for the environment and climate action are important motivations for stimulating values, which potential customers, staff and other stakeholders attach value to.

Stronger market position: By limiting emissions you can anticipate future policy and regulations. With the CO₂ Neutral label you can distinguish yourself from others as a company and increase competitiveness. The label can be used in online and offline communication.

Cost reduction: By calculating the CO₂ footprint and reducing emissions, unnecessary costs can be saved in time. In the process, unnecessary financial costs can be identified due to dependence on fossil fuels, energy inefficiency, waste, paper, and water.

Norms and Standards

  • ISO 14068-1 (Carbon Neutrality)

This service is for

o Entities (companies, organisations, sector organisations,...)
o Products
o Services (events,...)

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