Do you use compressed air tanks in your company or organisation? Have you complied with the statutory obligation to commission the conduct of regular inspections to meet the safety objectives? Our experts are authorised to conduct such inspections.
Enterprises or institutions that use compressed air tanks are required by law to have such installations regularly inspected to fulfil the safety objectives. In order to ensure that these inspections are conducted with complete objectivity, the law prescribes that they must be carried out by an EDTC (External Technical Inspection Service – earlier known as “authorised inspection body”) and/or by an authorised environmental expert in the Pressure Vessels discipline (Flanders Region) and/or by a registered institution (Wallonia Region).
It is mandatory under the law to have compressed air containers inspected. However, there are also a number of other equivalent installations that at least potentially involve the same level of danger, such as for example,
Our inspectors conduct the aforesaid inspections in accordance with the provisions of the law. We offer a wide range of inspections that can also be combined with others, depending on the condition of the devices inspected:
This service will ensure that you satisfy the statutory obligations.
For the inspection prior to commissioning and periodic inspections:
For the construction:
The harmonised standard series NBN EN 286, NBN EN 571, NBN EN 1011, etc. can be applied to fulfil the essential requirements of the aforesaid directive
Companies or institutions that use compressed air tanks.
Ask your question directly to the specialised team within your sector.