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Lightning rod inspection and risk analysis

Vinçotte is an expert in lightning protection. Our experts carry out a risk analysis and inspection of the design and installation of lightning rods.

Inspection of pressure equipment

From boilers and exchangers to processing equipment and process lines: Vinçotte is the ideal partner for the inspection of the safety of your pressure equipment (PED and TPED).

Inspection of rotating machinery

Vinçotte makes years of experience available to bring+K65 the reliability of your rotating machinery and installations to new heights.

Inspections of welds and welding qualifications

The better the weld, the safer the welded structure will be. Discover how Vinçotte can help you monitor weld quality.

Sustainability and the environment

Vinçotte works together with you on your sustainability targets and your compliance with the most recent regulations regarding sustainability and the environment.


Do you want to limit noise nuisance? Do you want to prove your compliance with legislation regarding ambient noise? Vinçotte experts are at your service to advise and assist.

Quality control of civil engineering works and structures

From concept through construction to exploitation: Vinçotte guarantees the thorough quality control of your civil engineering works.

Quality control with purchase of materials

Vinçotte helps you to verify the competences of your suppliers and to check the quality of the supplied materials.

Comfort, safety and health on the workplace

Vinçotte experts are at your service to advise and assist to help monitor the health and well-being of your staff on the workplace.

Management systems certification (EOP)

Would you like to certify your quality, environment or safety management systems? Vinçotte helps with verification, reporting, risk analyses and with certification.