Internal examination of water pipes

There is no specific legislation dealing exclusively with the inspection of internal water pipes of fire safety systems in Belgium.

However, various regulations and standards indirectly influence the inspection and maintenance of these systems.

Although there is no specific legislation, it is strongly recommended to:

  • Consult the technical regulations: Consult the specific technical regulations applicable to your building and installation.
  • Check the insurance terms and conditions: Check the terms and conditions of your insurance policy to see if there are any specific requirements for inspection and maintenance.
  • Schedule regular inspections: Set up a regular inspection schedule and stick to it.

As a specialised and accredited company, Vinçotte is your perfect partner to carry out the internal examination of your water pipes for fire safety.

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Minimum inspection of sprinkler installations #

To assess the condition of your sprinkler installation, we perform at least the following checks:

Inspection of pipes: We inspect part of the main, distribution and sprinkler pipes.

Inspection of dead pipes: Pipes with no flow are checked especially, as dirt often remains there.

Afterwards, we make a report with photos and a conclusion on the state of your installation.

Your intake water supply system is an essential component of your fire safety system. Thanks to a regular inspection, you guarantee, that the system functions optimally and that you comply with the applicable requirements.

If we find serious problems during the inspection, such as rust or blockages, we will make a plan to resolve these issues.

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Internal examination can take place in the following ways: #

  • Endoscopic examination: using an endoscope, photographs and video recordings are made of the inside of the pipes.
  • Visual inspection: Pipe sections are removed and visually assessed.

Both methods contribute to obtaining a representative imaging of the entire installation, with endoscopic examination being a quicker and less invasive method.

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For any company employing a fire safety system

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