Noise at the workplace

Vinçotte has extensive experience in conducting measurements and studies relating to noise in the workplace, and in providing advice on how to protect employees against the risks involved in noise at the workplace.

Our expertise in this field comprise a wide range of services:

  • performing measurements to determine the noise exposure
  • performing dosimetry to determine the daily noise exposure
  • drawing up noise maps of production zones
  • zoning based on actual measurements
  • risk analysis to establish hearing impairment risks
  • preparing a list of noise sources
  • intensity measurements for source identification (detecting relevant sources/partial sources)
  • emission measurements to determine the sound power level (pressure, intensity, vibrations)
  • predictions and advice on the noise impact of new installations
  • measurement and advice concerning the reverberation time in industrial buildings
  • drawing up a remediation plan on how to reduce daily exposure to noise
  • investigating the implementation of the Best Available Techniques (BAT-studies)

When you engage Vinçotte, we offer you a wide range of benefits:

  • We have wide experience in the risk analysis relating to noise at the workplace..
  • It has a team of 10 experienced specialists working in the acoustics department.
  • We have a recognition from the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue, as a laboratory for the determination of the exposure of workers to noise
  • We have received accreditation from Belac to perform measurements in order to determine the exposure of workers to noise in accordance with the criteria laid down in the NBN EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard (certificate 016 test)
  • We are a neutral and objective partner. Our results will be accepted by the various agencies and authorities.

Our in-depth analysis ensures that your employees are protected and can work in a pleasant environment.

The services of Vinçotte comply with the following parts of the legislation and the existing norms and standards:

  • Royal Decree on the protection of health and safety of employees against the risks of noise at work (Royal Decree of 16th January 2006).
  • Directive 2003/10/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the minimum health and safety requirements relating to the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (noise) – 6th February 2003.
  • Belgian General Regulations on Occupational Safety (A.R.A.B.). Norms and Standards NBN ISO 1999 - Determination of occupational noise exposure and estimation of noise-induced hearing impairment –.

For these services, the following sectors in particular, approach Vinçotte:

  • industry
  • SMEs
  • preventive services
  • Government and syndicates

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