Tank inspecties


1. Bottom membrane plates #


  • Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements of Patch Plates welded on Bottom plates
  • 100% MFL Handscan or Floorscan Corrosion Mapping of the bottom
  • 20% PT/MT Bottom cross-seam welds ( 1m*1m) / 100% Corner weld bottom to shell

Annular plates

  • 100% MFL Handscan or Floorscan Corrosion Mapping of the bottom

2. Shell courses #

Shell – Roof Inspection

  • UT Magnetic Crawler


  • Shell Nozzles + reinforcement pad
  • Roof Nozzles + reinforcement pad

Optional VT

  • Out of Roundness
  • Bottom Sag / VT Tilt
  • Edge Settlement
  • VT bottom to shell connection
  • Ripples and Bulges

3. Bottom outside #

Technique X

  • Outside Edge of Bottom
  • Roof columns (if reachable)

Aanvraag inspectie

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